Thursday, July 28, 2011

Follow Your Bliss

One of my favorite people that ever graced this planet with his presence was Joseph Campbell. His is a philosopher/educator of sorts. His most 'famous' student was George Lucas, and it is widely accepted that Lucas wrote the Star Wars Trilogy off of the mythological basis that Campbell is famous for teaching about.

Ok you still with me? Anyway "follow your bliss" is a quote that is attributed to Joseph Campbell. It means that what you're supposed to do in life, is what makes you happy AND what makes you happy is what you are supposed to do. See Joseph Campbell is the BOMB.

Here's one of the things that makes me happy:

I love to play pool, billiards in some areas, but the physics of it intrigues me and the culture of it has kept me in friends since I was 18. Playing pool is also how I met both of my children's fathers!

I also love quilting, and I'm learning I love sewing more in general now than before too!

I love songwriters and wordsmith's, I always wanted to know one, I know several now = success.
 I like to write myself, but my lack of musical skill requires someone with musical experience to translate for me.

Anyway these are a few of my favorite things, things that make me happy when I do them, things that feed my soul. Things I feel like I should do more of.


Carolyn said...

Following your bliss does sound like a nice one to take to heart... did you make that quilt? It is beautiful.

MysMichelle the OutlawLady said...

Yes Carolyn I did make that quilt. Thank you! I have not sewn in YEARS and recently have started getting back in to it. All of your handmade items on your blog are very inspiring to me!