Friday, July 29, 2011

T. G. I. F.

In the past I limited my creativity because it didn't "fit" into other people's boxes.

In the present I struggle to get myself to create.

In the future I vow to make more things that make me happy. - Me

I'm running out of things to say, or maybe I've just discovered that for all my whining that no one listens, I just really don't have that much to say :-P Anyway, I'm going to keep on bloggin' anyway because recently I've been reading a zillion blogs and what I have noticed is that everyone starts out pretty slow you have to find your groove for what you are trying to express.It also seems to have a very therapeutic effect for the writer so I'm looking for some of that. I'm not sure yet what all will be here, but for now I'm just going to put up some random things until something clicks.

There will be pictures Monday of sewing projects because I have two projects picked out to work on!!

This will be my first clothing sewing adventure in a long while, and they have been very few even then. But I signed up for this course, xxxx crossing fingers, I think I've finally got all the materials collected.

Not sure how you do this, maybe you have to be naked for it to work? LOL

I'm making the "mock" or muslin out of this cotton fabric, just for fun.
The girl giving the class is all tattooed up and I joked that I was gonna put the roses and skulls on my dress!

My other project for this weekend is to get my top together for my double wedding ring.

The person who is running the quilt along has developed some personal issues and is not keeping up with the schedule she set so after this next set of directions where I learn to sew my arcs, onto my background, I am going to go ahead and finish.

I can hardly wait, I'm so very excited, I've made somewhere around 20 full size/queen size quilts in my life and don't own any! This is mine, it won't be full size but a throw, but I'm excited to make something to keep. 
The 100 or so 'ARCS'

 Background pieces and 'corner stones'

Should turn out something like this. Four rings wide and 5 long.

Well I hope you have a great weekend, I've got alot to do, and Ms. Josephine the 3 yo will have her say in much of it I"m sure.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Follow Your Bliss

One of my favorite people that ever graced this planet with his presence was Joseph Campbell. His is a philosopher/educator of sorts. His most 'famous' student was George Lucas, and it is widely accepted that Lucas wrote the Star Wars Trilogy off of the mythological basis that Campbell is famous for teaching about.

Ok you still with me? Anyway "follow your bliss" is a quote that is attributed to Joseph Campbell. It means that what you're supposed to do in life, is what makes you happy AND what makes you happy is what you are supposed to do. See Joseph Campbell is the BOMB.

Here's one of the things that makes me happy:

I love to play pool, billiards in some areas, but the physics of it intrigues me and the culture of it has kept me in friends since I was 18. Playing pool is also how I met both of my children's fathers!

I also love quilting, and I'm learning I love sewing more in general now than before too!

I love songwriters and wordsmith's, I always wanted to know one, I know several now = success.
 I like to write myself, but my lack of musical skill requires someone with musical experience to translate for me.

Anyway these are a few of my favorite things, things that make me happy when I do them, things that feed my soul. Things I feel like I should do more of.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Czech out this Llama!

My older daughter 17yo, has a little newspaper she wrote for school called Czech out this Llama, and the younger daughter 3yo, her favorite book is Llama, llama red pajama. So we're a group of Kangaroos that sort of just love llamas......and come on who doesn't? Not feeling the writing thing today so here's so awesome llama pics:

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Remember that summer we all sang "they tried to make me go to rehab.........I said no no no" well its over and so is the life of the individual that sang it. Rest In Peace Amy Winhouse God knows you didn't live that way. I know her father Mitch is inconsolable right now as he has said all along the fame and money, drugs and booze were killing his talented daughter.
Her style, her voice, she was the amplification of a generation xyz that enjoyed the older style and appreciated her talent. You know she did go to rehab, several times, doesn't seem like it made a hole lotta difference. She died at the same age as Janis Joplin. Pretty sad how voyeuristic we are now in this society though. So sad, so real, no one can help someone unless they will help themselves, and money, talent and beauty in no way assure happiness.

Also RIP to little Sky who was our parakeet for a week, I let him out and he was hiding and levi found him :-(

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bog Blog

I didn't write yesterday, I just didn't have anything on my mind to say. But many blogs I read do a blog roll call or best finds of the week or such on their Friday posts. I guess I'll try sharing some links.

The first blog entry I'd like to draw attention to is a virtual quilt along, to benefit the devastated tornado victims of Joplin, Missouri. I have not seen one for the Alabama victims but I feel things like this are a worthy cause. I also feel giving hand crafted gifts to those in need sends more than a possession it sends your good energy and intentions.
Quilts for Joplin

This next one, I happened across this blog and love the author's interests and awesome photographs, I'm a new reader but love spending a few minutes a day with an active, interesting, individual.

One of my newest and most genuine love affairs is with this chickadee.....dayam she's cool.

Last but certainly not least is the blog I'm doing my quilt along with, The Plaid Scottie.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Court Ordered Legal Notice

"I've been convicted, evicted, restricted and served with a letter said to whom it may concern..." HWJ, I've Got a Right to Be Wrong

If you've ever had a bank account at Bank of America, I'm sure you are aware there is currently a settlement being negotiated for a class action lawsuit concerning their practice of putting through ALL DEBITS before processing credits. That is to say that if you deposited $100 and went and used your debit card for a purchase before that deposit 'cleared' (usually the NEXT day) then you would overdraft your account. I personally calculated at one time they had gotten me for somewhere around $3,000 in overdraft charges with this policy and I'm glad that someone with some clout did something about it. (Don't worry I'd already gotten mine back, but I still qualify for the settlement). So it will be interesting to me to see if I actually get any money out of the deal. But that's not why I'm here blogging about it..........the reason I'm here blogging about it is I found my notice in my mailbox (see below) and I was bewildered to say the least until I figured out that it had gone to my previous address and my buddy Tom had added his two cents and placed it in my mailbox :-)

I would hate to have to admit what my paranoid hyper panic mind came up with to explain the hand written inscription until I finally noticed the wrong address. Ha! Awww the things a Kangaroo finds in her travels.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Adventures of a Stoned Kangaroo

About six years ago I was walking from the parking garage at the downtown Nashville library, down the hill and past the Ryman auditorium to the back door of Roberts Western World where I worked. I had my hands full, coke, cigarettes, lighter, wallet and I was wearing a Hank III hoodie (my favorite thing in the world to wear at the time) which had a large 'assjack' donkey and pot leaf on the front of it. My friend Cowboy, (one of a group of about 5 guys, Tilley the dog, mama and me,) was walking with me. Finally I said "oh hey I forgot I had a pouch" and began shoving all my wares into the hoodie pouch. At that point Cowboy said, "well aren't you just a little stoned kangaroo." It stuck, I've been a stoned kangaroo ever since.
We all got in on it in fact, we were going to have a bar and call it 'The Stoned Kangaroo, It's a Hopping Little Joint', we even came up with menu items (mmm sketty dogs), and things to hang on the wall. But in the end the stoned kangaroos have been scattered and tattered and I feel like I'm the only one still Kangaroo-ing around. And since I always feel like my life is so special :-) I wanted to still share some of my adventures with you all.

Dedicated to my fellow kangaroos: Mama Diane, Brent, Cowboy, Jason, Martin